Only those with the eyes will see and only those with the ears will hear.
You ever wondered why you were born?
You ever wondered what happens when you leave your body?
You ever wondered who is GOD?
Once you realize that YOU signed up for this divine mission, you will have a more pleasant experience in this LIFE.
You have a very powerful purpose in life and the time is NOW to find out why!
Chapter 01
I have sat back many years to see what teachers would bring forth certain information from the higher realm into this realm. I realized a few pieces to the puzzle have been lost, stolen, rearranged, and/or stuck. Humbly, I come to you with those hidden pieces that may awaken you. Look at this book as a manuscript to unlock your mind in such a way that you become more aware of the many complexities of life while also learning how to go where ALL things come from. Ask yourself this. What would you do if you had no external teacher or book to lead you? You must learn to go where ALL books and teachers ⚫️riginate. My goal is to unlock your mind, reveal your very own power and connection to THE MOST HIGH, and how to strengthen that connection that’s connected to all connections by way of the ALL.
Chapter 02
I teach what Yeshua/Jesus taught.
I teach what Moshe/Moses taught.
I teach that there’s only one SUPREME CREATOR of ALL Creation.
THE CREATOR wasn’t Created.
When human beings follow the proper path inside this obstacle maze by way of DIVINE GUIDANCE by relying on THE MOST HIGH, they shall graduate from this realm.
I also teach that RIGHTEOUSNESS is the only way. Meaning this realm was coded in a very sophisticated way.
When you begin to think RIGHT, breathe RIGHT, drink RIGHT, eat RIGHT, and act RIGHT, you will not only feel RIGHT, but it will also unlock your full potential.
Chapter 03
In Isaiah 45:7 KJV It says, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Some students take that scripture and use it as a way to justify the importance of being balanced. They feel that the LORD is righteous and wicked simultaneously, and based on that scripture One should seek balance, not knowing there’s a difference between righteous balance and wicked balance. As I’ve said before, righteous balance is working out but also getting the proper rest so that the body can repair itself. Righteous balance is eating herbs to assist in cleansing the body and taking a break from those same herbs because over cleansing can be detrimental to the body. This is why it doesn’t rain every day. If it rained every day, what do you think would happen to the crops?
Chapter 04
To all my Jewish, Christian, and Muslim brothers and sisters - do you believe that prophets are no more, or do you think it’s a possibility that THE MOST HIGH would send One to reveal certain divine information in this lifetime? Remember for as long as you live, that regardless of what anyone believes on this planet, ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET YOU FREE. When it’s all said and done, One shall realize what needed to BE will BE regardless of what they believed.
Chapter 05
When I manifested in this realm, I was so fascinated with how everything was structured. I was very observant and inquisitive. As I collected data, I slowly learned why this realm came to be and how I could be of assistance. Out of everything I was CALLED to do, my favorite CALLING was to fight against the wickedness that has plagued this planet since long before.
Chapter 06
To truly maximize your experience in this experience, it is imperative that you only introduce HIGH QUALITY inFORMation to your system. You see, FOOD, like everything within Creation, is coded with very specific instructions. Everything is vibrating. Vibration describes movement and within that movement contains the essence, the instructions within a THING. Within that vibration contains the mathematical code, which is the unique signature of a THING. This code or data creates reactions when introduced to a BEING.
Chapter 07
Can you fathom the sum total of ALL existence? In other words, do you think you have the humanly capacity to comprehend how EVERYTHING is CONNECTED and how everything is ONE and that ONE came from ZERO and that ZERO is connected to ONE simultaneously? Sounds confusing? Once you understand how human consciousness is structured, you’ll realize that you see how you SEE because of your wiring.
Chapter 08
Before becoming Vegan, I experienced many experiences that set the tone for who I am today. Early on my journey, my mother would invest a substantial amount of money in cookware that was designed to prepare food in healthy ways. She was also very strict on our consumption of candy and other forms of junk food. Although we occasionally ate fast food, consumed pork from time to time, in addition to other animal products, she still taught other habits that were very wholesome indeed. She didn’t have all the tools, but the tools she did have still left a divine impression on my mind.
Chapter 09
Let me let you in on a little secret. This world is filled with many illusions. Look around you. Everything that you see, hear, touch, smell, taste, and FEEL is a byproduct of consciousness. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING, from trees, rocks, skin pigment, flowers, sun, moon, rain and more, are all byproducts of consciousness. In order for something to BE, it must start as a thought. Everything that’s in existence started as a thought. How can something be, if it is not first thought to BE?
* Youll get the full version in ebook form :)